
上下文 & 联系 & 影响

2019年9月23日 - 4分钟阅读


I try to stay active in sharing information, and it is interesting that from time to time I get asked why.

Why Tweet, post on 脸谱网, podcast, or blog?

I typically answer with something about expanding my personal learning network  (PLN) and putting information out on the Internet to the education community. But that is clunky and not a complete answer. 

我知道我为什么要分享, but didn’t know how to better explain why, until a couple months ago when I heard someone talking about context and 联系人.  这句话引起了我的共鸣.

Let’s give a succinct definition of each so we can be on the same page.

  • 上下文 is the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.
  • 联系人, 另一方面, 是熟人, 同事, or relative through whom a person can gain access to information, 支持, 有影响力的人, 诸如此类.
  • 影响者 is a Social Media user who establishes credibility with a large audience and persuades others by virtue of his/her authenticity and reach.
I have always talked a lot about influence, but never really made the connection between context, 联系人, 和影响.  One does not truly influence someone unless there is contact with him or her and the context is understood.

我在推特上有粉丝, 脸谱网上的好友, subscribers to the blog/podcast and actual 联系人 in my phone. Someone else could conceivably have the same people in his/her circle, but their context with them and my context with them are different based on how my context is presented.

The amazing thing is I cannot influence people within someone else’s sphere of influence circle like they can.  Just as that person cannot influence people in my circle like I can. The takeaway here is that we all have an important role of sharing because no one else has context with our 联系人 like we do!

What is also awesome is we control our 联系人 and the context in which we have with those 联系人.

If we want to influence more people we can. We are in a time in which connecting with other educators is not only possible but rather easy.  如果你是体育老师,搜索一下 # phy on 推特 or if you are a new teacher search # ntchat and you will find people to connect with. It is truly mindboggling how there is something for everyone.

One can change the context in which other people view his/her online presence. If someone wants to be seen as an expert on Social-Emotional Learning it can easily be accomplished by doing a ton of research, 阅读, 跟随其他人 #选取 然后,开始分享.  One will be astounded how quickly his/her context will change.

It is important to share 和影响 your 联系人 within your context because no one else can. 


  • Join a 推特 Chat and share your experiences
  • Create a Voxer group with other similar content area teachers from other schools
  • Create more than you consume (Blog, Vlog, Podcast, Tweet, etc.)


Social media can be an amazing amplifier to spread one’s influence, but it can also turn that same influence into terrible noise that does harm.  Social Media platforms are tools, which need to be used appropriately and with purpose.

Things to keep in mind when using social media to influence others are:

  • Curate your feeds and can follow/like what is impactful to you;
  • Curate your feeds in order to unfollow negative or inappropriate feeds;
  • Share awesomeness and creativity - do not use it for venting;
  • 发布的内容,喜欢的内容, & re-tweeted is an online representation that others make judgments from; 
  • 是故意的 & purposeful; and;
  • Share personal stories - not private information.

One’s presence on Social Media is a powerful vehicle, so use it wisely and to one's advantage.  What is posted is seen by a wide audience–those being influenced and those just checking-in–so make sure it represents the message that leaves a lasting context to the 联系人 to be influenced.

约瑟夫·克拉克是一位丈夫, (两个优秀女儿的)父亲, 过去的电台DJ(天黑后的克拉克), and came into education as a CTE teacher.
Currently, he is a Vice Principal in the Sacramento area. Over the years Clark has worked at an affluent charter school, 一个上锁的青少年监狱, 综合性高中, 在一个模范中学的核心环境中, and served on the Board of 导演s for Westlake Charter School in Sacramento.  Now he teaches 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 in their MAEd Program.

Clark’s Core Values guiding his daily practice are: 

  • Value people [over programs] – Treat everyone with respect-everyday-all the time.
  • Be a faucet [not a drain] – Each moment matters so make each one positive. Be a filter – my positive [or negative] attitude will become that of those around me. 
  • Behavior then Beliefs – Can’t make anyone change his beliefs, but can set expected behavior.




