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Convention: A Daily Journal

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Convention: A Daily Journal

会议:《日刊》是1787年制宪会议的日刊,会议由最初的13个州中的12个州召开,旨在修改《菲律宾十大网赌网站》,建立一个“更完美的联盟”.” It chronicles the daily activities of the Convention, profiles the delegates and their interactions with each other, and looks back to life in America in the 1780s. Writing in the first person, 这个故事是一位“观察者”从当时的报纸报道和代表们的个人笔记和信件中听到的事件讲述的.

July 13, 1788

November 01, 2021 - 4 minute read

The New York Daily Advertiser

Anti-Constitutionalist delegates to the New York ratifying convention continued to offer amendments to the proposed new form of government on a daily basis; in effect, 他们极力想要挫败改写宪法的企图. On July 2 alone, a dozen amendments were proposed, 包括联邦政府借款需要国会两院三分之二的投票, 以确保“国会建立邮局和邮政道路的权力不应被解释为延伸到布局。, making, altering, or repairing highways, in any state, without the consent of the legislature of such state.”

On July 5, an additional twelve amendments were proposed, including nine specifically impacting the judiciary. Two days later, 约翰·兰辛(John Lansing)提出了一项“权利法案”,旨在纳入新宪法的批准.” It incorporated fifteen rights, including trials by impartial juries; security from unreasonable searches and seizures; and freedom of the press, religious profession, and peaceable assembly.

联邦党人坚持拒绝参与每一项修正案, but continued to press for ratification, although with less vigor and detailed analysis than before. 更重要的是,他们被反对派的顽固所迷惑. John Swann, 一位支持宪法的北卡罗莱纳州代表参加联邦大会, 认为纽约的拖延和“极端优柔寡断……令人震惊,因为他们得知有十个国家批准了该公约。.“反对派,”他说,“似乎决心一寸一寸地争夺地盘. What they propose from their inflexibility is hard to discover; since it is certain…that they will find their concurrence sooner or later not only expedient but unavoidable.”

At the end of the day, Governor George Clinton, President of the convention, announced that many of the amendments were “merely declaratory; others of a different nature” and “wished them to be arranged and the matters offered in support of the clauses considered.约翰·兰辛被选为反叛军的首领来完成这项任务.

On July 10, Lansing presented an extensive list of amendments, each under one of three categories – “explanatory, “conditional,” and “recommendatory.” As examples, the New York Daily Advertiser reported:

The Bill of Rights is among those that are explanatory. The following are conditional: 1st. That there shall be no standing army in time of peace, without the consent of two-thirds of Congress: 2nd. That there shall be no DIRECT TAXES, nor excises on American manufactures: 3rd. That the militia shall not be ordered out of the state, except by the previous consent of the executive thereof; nor then for a longer time than six weeks, without the consent of the state legislature: and 4th. That there shall be no interference in the elections, 除非某一州忽视或拒绝提供此项规定.

兰辛报告说,许多拟议的修正案不仅在形式上,而且在实质内容上都有所改变.  该报告还建议批准,但有一系列复杂的规定作为条件. Next, 成立了一个由双方组成的委员会,以达成“和解”和“安排修改,以便迅速友好地作出决定”.委员会成员包括约翰·杰伊、约翰·兰辛和梅兰顿·史密斯. 

第二天,7月11日,杰伊提议大会批准宪法. Amendments could be recommended, he said, but under the Constitution just adopted by ten States, Congress had no power to accept “conditional” ratification. 纽约必须做出决定——是加入新的欧盟,还是留在欧盟之外. 杰伊总结道,如果我们拒绝加入,“这个政府将被组织起来,而我们将无能为力。. Many important laws will and must then be passed. They may affect our rights and interests.”

Following Jay’s lengthy, 热情而实际地请求批准,并与史密斯进行了紧张的对话, Gov. Clinton weighed in. 国会从哪里获得权力来改变原来的联邦? he asked. Or to organize a new form of government? 杰伊嘲讽地反驳道:“这是一种回答难题的新方法……通过问别人。.” As for exceeding powers, Robert Livingston added, “每个人都知道各州违反了联邦……甚至纽约也违反了契约.” 

利文斯顿在大会上发表了他最令人印象深刻的演讲之一, appealing to the interests of New York. It depended on the other States for commerce; would “their resentments be raised?” Would the southern part of New York separate? 如果是这样,“我们在这个州的北部会变成什么样子??“那国会目前在该州花费的大笔资金呢? 如果她选择单打独斗,纽约有能力为自己辩护吗? “我们有能力创造一致意见,”他宣称,“或者播下纷争、战争和毁灭的种子。.尽管如此,纽约批准公约仍然陷入僵局.

At the same time, Samuel Osgood, 联邦三名成员的财政委员会成员, sent a letter to Smith and Samuel Jones. After New Hampshire’s ratification, he noted, 联邦代表大会任命了一个委员会为组建新政府准备一份报告. 报告将新政府的召集日期定为“明年2月1日”,并于7月10日召开讨论. However, 由于假定纽约很快就会决定是否批准,审议工作被推迟. “When this should be known,” wrote Osgood, “关于地点的问题应该由众议院来解决.如果纽约不加入联邦,它的国会大厦就不会留在纽约市. The loss would be considerable.


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