

2022年6月13日 - 6分钟阅读


想想完美的巧克力饼干. 顶部是金棕色的. 饼干很软,但没有烤焦. 巧克力片分布在各处, giving you a hint of chocolatey goodness in every bite and blending beautifully with the dough.

One crucial step in baking chocolate chip cookies is stirring the chocolate chips into the batter until they are fully incorporated. Imagine what would happen if the baker simply dropped a heaping cup of chocolate chips into the bowl and scooped out spoonfuls of dough without stirring. 有些饼干里没有巧克力片, and others could hardly be called cookies because they’d be nothing but chocolate chips. 真是一团糟!

Just as chocolate chips are an essential ingredient in chocolate chip cookies, well-chosen quotations are an essential ingredient in research papers. 但仅仅有引语是不够的. They need to be properly incorporated, like chocolate chips in cookie dough.

One common mistake we see a lot at the 写作工作室 is the use of dropped quotes. A dropped quote is a quotation that is placed into a paper as its own sentence without being fully integrated into the surrounding text. 一段被省略的引文没有被引用进去.

下面是一个示例,其中省略了引号 bold. 在我所有的例子中, 我用APA格式来引用, 但是无论您使用哪种格式,这些想法都适用.  

In 善良挑战, author and researcher Shaunti Feldhahn (2016) took a close look at the transformational power of kindness. “它改变了你,而不仅仅是别人. It melts hardness and makes gentleness immensely powerful” (Feldhahn 2016, p. 17). She provided insight on day-to-day practices readers could try and apply to any relationship, 是否有配偶, 一个相对, 或者很难相处的同事.

起初,它可能看起来是正确的. 毕竟, 存在引号和括号引用, 引用与段落相关. 即便如此,这句话也没有被完全引用. 没有任何介绍. 它只是被“扔”进去了——没有搅拌.

幸运的是,修复这个常见错误很简单. 有几个简单的选择.

一种选择是添加一个信号短语,比如 根据Feldhahn(2016),或Feldhahn(2016)写道. 这些短语和其他短语(例如.e., so-and-so described/claimed/found) signal to the reader that a quotation is coming. 下面是同一段话的更正版:

In 善良挑战, author and researcher Shaunti Feldhahn (2016) took a close look at the transformational power of kindness. Feldhahn(2016)解释说:“它改变了你,而不仅仅是别人. 它融化了坚硬,使温柔变得无比强大”(p. 17). She provided insight on day-to-day practices readers could try and apply to any relationship, 是否有配偶, 一个相对, 或者很难相处的同事.

Another option is to use the previous sentence as an introduction, 并以冒号而不是句号结束. The key here is to make sure that the sentence and the quote are very closely related before you use the colon to join them. 过渡需要平稳和合乎逻辑,而不是不和谐. Keep in mind that this strategy can lead to some very long sentences, which may lead to confusion if you’re dealing with particularly difficult subject matter or hard-to-read authors. 在这种情况下,它可以工作:

In 善良挑战, author and researcher Shaunti Feldhahn (2016) took a close look at the transformational power of kindness: “它改变了你,而不仅仅是别人. 它融化了坚硬,使温柔变得无比强大”(p. 17). She provided insight on day-to-day practices readers could try and apply to any relationship, 是否有配偶, 一个相对, 或者很难相处的同事.

Another way to fix dropped quotes is to blend the quoted material into a sentence by using carefully selected words or phrases rather than the full quote.

In 善良挑战, author and researcher Shaunti Feldhahn (2016) took a close look at the transformational power of kindness. Feldhahn(2016)解释说,善良“改变你”,” and that it “melts hardness and makes gentleness immensely powerful” (p. 17). She provided insight on day-to-day practices readers could try and apply to any relationship, 是否有配偶, 一个相对, 或者很难相处的同事.

Keep in mind that it’s a good idea to use a variety of approaches as you integrate your quotes. 一点点的变化会使它更光滑, more interesting reading experience than using “According to Source” or “As Source said” every single time. As the writer, you get to choose which strategy will work best with each new quotation you stir in. It’s sort of like choosing whether you’re going to stir in the chocolate chips with a wooden spoon, 硅胶刮刀, 或者一个立式搅拌器——它们都能完成工作, 只是方式略有不同.

Along with properly introducing each quote, it’s important to pay attention to what comes after. A common problem that accompanies dropped quotes is a lack of further explanation. 有时, 这句引语在段落末尾被去掉了, leaving the paragraph without a concluding thought or transition. 其他时间, 这段引文在这段的中间, but the writer moves on to the next idea without any kind of reflection or further context. 这句话不会“粘”在周围的材料上.

To fix this post-quote problem, add a sentence or two of explanation. Keep in mind that the explanation doesn’t have to be long to be effective. 在上面的例子中,只需要一句话: She provided insight on day-to-day practices readers could try and apply to any relationship, 是否有配偶, 一个相对, 或者很难相处的同事. 这句话并不是引言的重述, 而是在引用的基础上加上进一步的信息, 这让作者可以过渡到下一个想法. Think of it like stirring thoroughly to ensure that the chocolate chips are completely incorporated throughout the dough.

Here’s an example of a dropped quote that needs to be corrected—see if you can identify what needs to change. (提示:作者需要做两件事.)

One behavior that often gets in the way of practicing kindness is speaking negatively about others. Feldhahn (2016) argued that avoiding negative comments about others is an important step in treating them with kindness, 并最终, 改善关系. “You will find that as you gain the new habit of nixing the negativity, something remarkable happens. 你会有一颗轻松的心, 更大的和平, and much more enjoyment of your life and relationships” (Feldhahn 2016, p 63). The 30-day kindness challenge created by Feldhahn (2016) includes one specific, 每个月的每一天都能轻松实现的行动项目.

你知道少了什么吗? 没错,引言没有被引入. 引用后也没有任何解释. The writer moves on to the next idea without creating a smooth transition, 使段落中的观点难以理解. 这段话断断续续,互不连贯. Let’s fix it by introducing the quote and adding a bit of explanation after:

One behavior that often gets in the way of practicing kindness is speaking negatively about others. Feldhahn (2016) argued that avoiding negative comments about others is an important step in treating them with kindness, 并最终, 改善关系. 根据Feldhahn (2016), “拒绝消极情绪”会让你拥有“一颗更轻松的心”, 更大的和平, 你的生活和人际关系也会更快乐。. 63). This concept is so important that it’s one of three foundational components of her 30-day kindness challenge.

最后一句话为引用提供了进一步的上下文, 这有助于推动论文的发展, 让作者更容易写出下一个想法. 稍微多搅拌一下,味道就不一样了.


Feldhahn,年代. (2016). The kindness challenge: Thirty days to improve any relationship. WaterBrook.


Kellie Moore graduated from 欧文康考迪亚大学 in 2010 with a B.A. 英语,辅修创意写作. 她本科时在写作工作室工作了两年, 她很高兴能成为在线写作实验室团队的一员. 在欧文的康考迪亚大学, Kellie fell in love with journalism through her work as an editor of The Concordia Courier. She went on to earn a master’s degree from the Missouri School of Journalism. 从那时起, 她管理着一个宗教新闻网站, 教高中英语, 做过文字编辑. She also had the joy of being an editor at Verily magazine, where she was a contributing writer. 现在,她是一名全职妈妈和自由撰稿人兼编辑. She lives in Utah with her husband, their two kids, and two cats.
