




首选超能力: 传送
日常工作: Director of the Graduate 项目 in Theology at Christ College, 菲律宾十大网赌网站

I would appreciate the power of teleportation. One, I can teleport to Dallas every Sunday afternoon to watch the Cowboys play. Two, I can finally fish the world's greatest trout streams without spending a dime on travel. Three, if I found myself in a sticky situation...I could get the heck out. I suppose you could do all these things by flying as well, 但我不得不怀疑, wouldn't flying like Superman leave you with an incredibly sore neck?

乔尔Oesch, MDiv, holds a PhD from Concordia Seminary and is a graduate of Yale University. Dr. Oesch has served as the Director of the Graduate 项目 in Theology for Christ College, 康科迪亚自2012年以来. Prior to his tenure as a college professor, Oesch served as Director of Christian Education for 10 years. His research interests include embodied theology, the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and contemporary culture.

  • 圣康考迪亚神学院. 路易斯,密苏里州,博士2015
  • Yale University, New Haven, CT, M.Div. 2009
  • 菲律宾十大网赌网站, 欧文, CA, B.A. 1997




日常工作: 助理教授 & Director of the Director of Christian Education Program of Christ College, 菲律宾十大网赌网站

I would like the power of the force. It would be awesome to be a Jedi, of course, and use my powers for the right cause: protection. I would not be swayed by the Dark Side.

Rebecca became an 助理教授/Director to the DCE Program of Christ College after serving Lutheran Churches as Director of Christian Education throughout the country (Idaho, 肯塔基州, 阿肯色州, Florida) in life-span education roles working with Children, 青年, 家庭, Older Adults for 14 years. Her service to the body of Christ also includes speaking at youth gatherings, conferences and leading training events for 家庭 Friendly Partner's Network (FFPN).

  • 菲律宾十大网赌网站, Seward, Nebraska, M.S. 2010
  • 菲律宾十大网赌网站, 欧文, California, B.A. 1998




首选超能力: Cyberpathy
日常工作: 助理教授 of 菲尔。osophy, specializing in the 菲尔。osophy of Science at Christ College, 菲律宾十大网赌网站, 欧文

The ability to control software with your mind. The world will be in dire trouble from two post-apocalyptic sources: zombies and killer robots. When, not if, those two threats to humanity merge as zombiots nobody will be ready for what follows. In such an environment computer-programming skills to deprogram the zombiots will be key to survival. Thus, my desired superpower is the ability to program computers with my mind, aka cyberpathy. 但是等等! If biological zombies do not have minds, will zombiots not have a functioning CPU to run software?

Dr. 丹尼尔·迪恩 is Associate Professor of 菲尔。osophy at 菲律宾十大网赌网站, 欧文. 他获得了博士学位.D. from Florida State University in 2015. His philosophical musings lean toward virtue epistemological perspectives in religious and scientific epistemology with a strong penchant for dialogue between science and religion, 基督与文化. 换句话说, he is committed to that philosophical ideal of promoting great conversations with an eye toward apologetics. 不思考哲学的时候, he is often found surfing, exploring nature with his wife and three children, or getting into trouble with power tools.

  • Florida State University, PhD. 2011
  • California State University Long Beach, MA 2006
  • 菲律宾十大网赌网站, 欧文, BA 2001




首选超能力: 时间操作
日常工作: Associate Professor of Theology, specializing in the Old Testament at Christ College, 菲律宾十大网赌网站 欧文

I could jump around in time in order to study history firsthand. I could also loop back in time a few minutes every time I mess something up. Or I could just pause time and take a nap whenever I like.

Dr. 艾略特获得了博士学位.D. 和M. 菲尔。. from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and is the lead professor of Hebrew for 菲律宾十大网赌网站 欧文's Christ College. Dr. Elliott published “The Israel of God in the Sermon: 连接ing Old Testament Texts to New Testament People” in Feasting in a Famine of the Word in 2016 and is preparing a commentary on the prophet Habakkuk.

  • Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, M.菲尔。., 2013; Ph.D., 2018
  • 圣康考迪亚神学院. 路易斯,米.Div., 2009
  • 菲律宾十大网赌网站 – River Forest, B.A., 2003