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What do I do if I know a student who may need to be referred to the ACC process?

If you know of a student who is in need of assistance from ACC, please fill out the referral sheet. Provide as much information as possible so the committee will know how to respond.

Who can make an ACC referral?

Anyone can make a referral. Faculty, staff, and fellow students have unique relationships with Concordia students. If you have concerns about a student's mental health, academic progress, involvement with drugs or alcohol, or concerning behavior, please fill out the referral form.

Should I approach the student first?

It depends on the situation and the student. Please consult with the Director of Student Conduct, who is the Chair of the ACC, to determine the best approach.

What if I'm not sure if I should report the concern?

We ask that you err on the side of caution and make a referral anyways. Other people may share your concerns, and your referral may help the committee have a more complete picture of the student.

Can I submit anonymously?

Yes, you can always refer a student anonymously. However, we would prefer if you attach your name to the document as it allows us to ask follow-up questions or gather more information if necessary.

What happens after I make the referral?

The Director of Student Conduct will receive the referral and might contact you with any follow-up questions. The ACC meets weekly to discuss students who have been brought to our attention, and an action plan is created to monitor/assist the student.

What happens to the student in the ACC process?

If the ACC decides an action plan is necessary, the student may be connected with some campus resources, including but not limited to: Residential Education and Services, the Wellness Center, the Writing Center, Student Success Services, etc.

How will I know that the situation has been addressed?

If we feel you are the best person to assist the individual student, you may be contacted by a member of the ACC with further details. However, to maintain a student's privacy, the referring individual may never know what specifically has happened with a referral.

Who has access to the ACC information on a student?

The ACC information is protected under FERPA. Beyond the committee members, only those individuals who have a "need to know" will have access to the information.

Do I need a student's consent to share my concerns with the ACC?

FERPA allows employees to disclose student information, without consent, to university officials with legitimate educational interest or to appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies.

Following tragic events like those that happened at Virginia Tech, committees like the ACC have become the best practice for coordinating concerns for students and the community as a whole within a context that protects a student's privacy.

Tip: Never promise confidentiality to a student during the ACC referral process.

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